I am fairly new to this forum.I live outside of Hershey Pa.I had adopted 4 children through SWAN in the past.About 1 year ago my husband and I decided to try being foster parents.It seemed like ages but on September 2nd I was finalized.We recieved our first call August 3,however we felt it was not a good match.On Sept 1 recieved a call and excepted for 2 girls ages 1 and 4. Although it was a rough start things were beginning to smooth out for the girls.The mother on the other hand was a ''REAL PIECE OF WORK"
To make a long story short,the girls went to a visit with mom in March and never came back. Mom made all kinds of false claims,prompting and investigation.When it was found that nothing happened,mom threated to "kill our family" if the children were returned.
Fearing my families safety the county made the decision to keep the girls with the kinship care giver.Sad for us because the girls have become part of our family and bio mom would never get them back.
Bio mom told the county she would terminate her rights"only" if my family didn't get the girls back.
Seems now that the girls are no longer with me,my private agency does not return my emails for another placement.
I told them I wanted foster to adopt and also to foster.I am also looking to be matched for adoption.I don't even know what they are doing for me because no body gets back to me.
I really want to foster care again but I guess things are slow because they haven't called me at all or maybe they are "iffy'" because of the last foster placement.
I want to change agencies and I would like to find out if htere are other agencies in my area know for fast placements.
I am getting depressed, and thinking of giving up because I feel my agency in not supportive or keeping me abreast of what they are doing for me.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks:thanks: :thanks:
I recommend that you do what you can to find out who maintains the list of foster homes with openings for new kids. (You can try through your foster parent association, or going to your agency and asking the receptionist, etc) It could be that since all this stuff happend on a "visit", you are marked in the system as being full - since the children were not formally removed and your file updated as you having beds available again. You wouldn't be the first person a mistake like that happened to.
Now, how to get your agency to call you back... I don't know. Maybe come up with a specific question only they can answer (like training hours, or the date you need your homestudy updated, or the like) and ask that specific question via voice mail or e-mail. Don't ask about the placement that left, the can't answer you even if they wanted to. And don't ask about future placements, nobody can predict the future. Ask something specific and concrete.
If you don't have an answer in about 2 days, call or e-mail that person's supervisor (the receiptionist can tell you who) to say you asked person A a question on X date, but you assume they're on vacation since they haven't answered, and would they answer <insert question here> in their place? Two days later, go up another level of supervisor, say you asked person A on X date, and person B on Y date... etc. Eventually someone will call you back, or you'll know you're with an agency with lousy communication and you can make decisions based on that reality.
I"m sorry to hear all that happened to you, and I wish you luck!