Hello friends,
I am new and awaiting our first placement. We provide interim care for adopted newborns. The first baby is due anytime. My question is how to find the planning and preparing/countdown sites, like those we see for pregnancies. There are loads of calendars and to do lists and what to bring sites, but I cannot find anything to plan for what to expect when I get the call, what to bring to the hospital, will the hospital provide a diaper bag, etc. I am as eager as if I were pregnant myself and want to share that experience in my own way for this tiny little while.
Started process:summer of 06 o
approved fall of 08
first placement expected to be born this month:woohoo:
The baby gets a suction bulb in the hospital, so that will probably stay with the baby. If the baby takes a paci in the hospital, they'll provide one, but it'll most likely be one of the green silicone ones that look like a bottle nipple--- "Soothie" brand, I think.
You're right... there are some items like that, that you would send home with each baby.
You may also check with the agency and see if the adoptive parents plan to send any baby items. I know I would if it was an infant I was planning to adopt. The birth family may also send things. I would just wait and see with each placement. Our baby girl's bmom left outfits, and such at the hospital with the baby. You can always send hubby out to Wal Mart lol
Let us know how it goes. This is something I have thought about doing.
Everything is pretty mysterious at this point, I haven't received a specific birth date, just generality. I today learned a name? Don't know hospital procedures and hospital doesn't have online info.
Would love to have online info on how this typically goes. But I am happy to jump in w/o lifejacket in the best interest of the baby and b/mom and adoptive family.
I am curious to know how you get into this.. We are most likely quitting foster care once our adoptions are finalized but I would absolutely LOVE to do something like this-- a newborn for those first few weeks that is guaranteed to go to a great home ! (all my newborns thru foster care seem to end up staying LOL!)..
I don't know how much information they are required to give. I know what hosp. to go to. and that I will get a call. I know there is a baby due around end of July for us to provide pre-adoptive care. I am sure that is all that is necessary. I just like to be completely prepared and have the scoop like due date, hospital procedures what the hospital provides, where to go at the hosp. etc. Perhaps they only give info as it is needed. With this being the first placement....there are loads of unanswered questions that will not be there with the others.
I am curious to know how you get into this.. We are most likely quitting foster care once our adoptions are finalized but I would absolutely LOVE to do something like this-- a newborn for those first few weeks that is guaranteed to go to a great home ! (all my newborns thru foster care seem to end up staying LOL!)..
Look in to pre-adoption care or cradle care in your community. Start with your churches. The care we provide does not offer foster to adopt. We know that up front. It would only be those first weeks after birth, while details for adoption are finalized.
I don't know how much information they are required to give. I know what hosp. to go to. and that I will get a call. I know there is a baby due around end of July for us to provide pre-adoptive care. I am sure that is all that is necessary. I just like to be completely prepared and have the scoop like due date, hospital procedures what the hospital provides, where to go at the hosp. etc. Perhaps they only give info as it is needed. With this being the first placement....there are loads of unanswered questions that will not be there with the others.
This is my primary reason for coming on here to find others who've done this. So, I could get some details on similar situations to be more fully prepared.
It is great. I still have him. Brought him home from hosp. and do not know how long I have him. Will take loving care until time to let go. Thanks so much for asking
Wow, you got him in July and STILL have him in late Sept?! That seems like a long time for this type of situation. Thanks for the original post :) I did look into this and found an agency in my area that does it - we may switch to this once our adoptions are finalized! Dh wont have to worry about the baby staying with us since it's already spoken for LOL!
He was overdue and not born until almost 42 weeks 8/11 this placement is not typical and they are usually 10 days to two weeks. We might have him through the end of the year, but nothing is certain.
I was wondering if you could answer some of the questions you asked. Such as, did they send you home with a bag and what was in it?
I got an enfamil diaper bag and some 2oz formulas, a bag with nipples and some diapers, his suction bulb and his soothie