I see this forum isn't active, but just thought I'd plant a flag in case anyone else from Maryland wanders in. We live in Maryland and are just starting out in the adoption process. I'd appreciate advice and info from others in Maryland.
I see this forum isn't active, but just thought I'd plant a flag in case anyone else from Maryland wanders in. We live in Maryland and are just starting out in the adoption process. I'd appreciate advice and info from others in Maryland. :thanks:
My husband and I have been foster parent in Maryland for roughly 2-3 years. We currently have a pre-adoptive placement for 3 siblings, 2 boys (ages 5 and 4) and a girl (3). They've only been with us for 3 weeks so far, but so far, everything is going really well--much better than we could ever have anticipated! I'm sure it won't always be this way, but we are thankful that it is right now!
We've met bio-mom who said she would like us to adopt her three children (with an open adoption agreement) and is happy they can all be together. (They were previously separated in two different foster homes.)
We're very excited about beginning this journey!
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