I am curious. I have heard of some having a baby shower when they become foster parents. I don't know how appropriate I think this is. I wonder about registering for those tihings I still need; then if anyone asks what I need, I can share my registry info.
We pretty much have all the clothing we need; but we could use some equipment; swing, boppy, small crib/side sleeper etc. I've spent quite alot and have to slow down spending on something that may or may not happen.
Also, if anyone can share their experience from when they got the call to when they went to pick up the baby from the hospital. I would love that info.
A registry for people who ask is a good idea. Ask people with kids if they have anything you can borrow to try - N hated the swing, but *loved* his bouncer, so a swing would've been wasted money if I'd bought one.
I spent the months of training going to thrift stores, checking out Craigslist and Freecycle, and letting friends know. Friends gave me clothing and some equipment, ahd loaned me some things too, but most of it I got myself. Everything (except crib mattress, sheets and car seat) was used.
After our placement we did get a foster shower, but it was more "top-up" things rather than essentials.
Trawl yard sales (if you have time), thrift stores, consignment sales, and listings on Craigslist and Freecycle. You should be able to get most of what you need without too much difficulty.
Yep, Craigslist and Freecycle are nice. Also Goodwill is pretty decent sometimes for things like that. I've found the nicest things at garage sales for just a few dollars. I've never had a foster shower. We've always collected what we needed along the way and tried to be as frugile as possible.
All three of my children loved their swing. I just had to watch them, b/c they would sleep for hours in it. A swing is not necessary though. I cannot justify a shower since we will only have the babies from birth through a couple of weeks. Have done most through what we already have or yard sales. What is a top-up shower?
The top-up things they gave me were little things, like a bootie-blanket-hat set, a bath set with a ducky, that sort of thing. Just small things to be encouraging.
To give you the quick version...
We were called on a Wednesday about a little boy that was born 10 weeks early. He had feeding issues, heart issues, and withdrawal issues.
My husband and I were asked to go to the hospital to meet him and learn how to take care of him. (What helped this was I come from a medical family and my husband is a RN). We went to the NICU the first time and the CEO of the hospital was there with and attorney and security guards. They told us that we needed to be hyper vigilant in coming and going to the hospital.
When we saw the cute little boy we found someone that we would just fall in love with. He was such a cute little baby. With HUGE Blue eyes...We went a few times to feed him and my husband would take his lunch time to go down and feed him his bottles.
A week went by and we brought this little man home. The hospital was great to provide formula, diapers, wipes, etc. The DHW was great also. They gave us vouchers the night before we went home and we went and bought him a port a crib, and clothes. We should have purchased more preemie clothes but one of my sisters had a bunch we could borrow.
We didn't start visits for about 1 -1/2 after placement due to his preemie status and risk for RSV. And even then it was in a controled evironment.
We had this cutie for 9 months and then he went home with his mom to a shelter with lots of supervision. The dept. was great in keeping tabs on him... 2 1/2 months later mom was back in jail and we got a phone call from the dept asking if we wanted him back. ABSOLUTLEy!!! The sad thing is that he was still developmentaly at the stage he was when he left us. He then went back to mom for 2 weeks and then was back with us due to the same situation.
We are now awaiting a TPR judgement and should be getting this anyday... Anyway this is the short part of the story....:)
As for the baby shower, some of my friends offered one when we first became foster parents. I told them I didn't think it was right to have one, since most our kids would not stay very long. Some gave me one or two outfits which was great, and used on several kids.
We did buy a lot of things used on craigslist as far as bigger things go...swing, bouncer, play gym etc. All of them can be washed and cleaned, which was great. And I find things on craigslist are in better condition than you would find at thrift stores, as far as the bigger items go.
Our friends did throw us a surprise adoption party which was wonderful!
I'm watching craigslist now. I fell in love with the first years 5 in one carry me close bassinet. Not love; but a whole lot of like lol!
FYI I found out there are wish lists so I am taking that route. However, the best deals are still yard sales and goodwill. NB diapers 1.99 on friday (never opened of course!)
We got our call from the SW around 11am and were asked if we could take a 3 1/2 week old at 3pm from the NICU. The only thing we bought at that point was a car seat. It seemed like a quick process at the hospital, because by 3:30pm we had the little guy and were on our way back home. We were given a few instructions by the nursing staff(as he was born drug exposed), and some medical hx. The hospital gave us formula, clothes(mostly onesies) and diapers. Over the next few days we used the vouchers for clothing, food and diapers. We bought the rest of the big items off craigslist. It looks like it will be a long term placement, so I am sure we will soon be asking friends for items that they no longer need.
I watch craigslist, but use mostly yard sales and what I have from our own children. Truth is there is very little we actually need, other than those things the individual babies would use. Ours, I think, is more of a wish list. I could use a larger bassinet, would like a swing and the car seat we got doesn't match stroller...we have the attachment bar but one is gray, gren and blue and the other black red and gray. I need first aid kit and diaper kit supplies. All else, we could get by with until we find some good deals.
I had a shower, I guess. My friends insisted on doing it and we called it a "new parent party." Since my age group was 0-4 there was quite a range of things I needed. I registered at Target which ended up being a great list for me for things I needed to buy or find and I used it as such. Some people used the list, others gave me whatever they wanted and most just gave me gift cards. I'm in AZ where we don't get vouchers. It took 2 months for my first check to come so those gift cards were great. However, most of my stuff has come from craigslist, freecycle and yard sales and I can't walk by a clearance rack without checking it out. Oh ya, and I get a lot of stuff from friends who are either done or are in between babies. I always mark that stuff so I can give it back.
We got two babies (we were expecting one) and didn't really realize what we needed until they were here--and we also had spent too much money (my husband called it pay to foster) getting the basics. Once we actually had the babies so many people rallied to help us, we were given clothes (new and gently used), a swing, highchair, portacribs, car seats, backpack(for hiking), books, and toys. I was amazed at the number of people who want to help. I also used craig'slist (crib, changing table) and found a ton of nice stuff really cheap at garage sales--if you tell them you are new foster parents they will usually help you find what you need and give you a great deal! We did buy some brand new items (crib mattress, baby blankets, bottles, teddy bears, babybag). Good luck to you, it's an exciting time!