And back to school they go... This is the first school year and the first foster so I am attempting to complete the NJ reduced or free school lunch forms already made an error by putting more than one foster on the form. But other than that heres my question: The form asks for the childs personal income funds?? Is this the subsidy we receive? Do I include this amount on the childs info or on my income info??? Oh boy and this is only the first of the school forms well atleast registration went relatively well. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks all.
I guess it depends on your area. When I called about my foster/adoptive daughter I was told to put $0 because foster or adoptive subsidies are not considered income but a 'reimbursement of childs expenses'. I do agree that you definitely do not put your own income for a foster child though :) They should get free lunch but I have to pay for snack milk (kindergargen).
The child's subsidy does NOT go on the form and NONE of your information goes on the form. The subsidy is not income for anyone. It is reimbursement to you for SOME of their expenses. ALL Title IV-E foster children qualify for free lunch. If you put an income on that line, your child will lose it. The child's income is $0. You DO NOT report any information for your family--the child is a household of 1. Good luck with this and other forms. At all times for anything means tested, remember that the child is a household of 1 who has no means. Your household does not count at all.
The child's subsidy does NOT go on the form and NONE of your information goes on the form. The subsidy is not income for anyone. It is reimbursement to you for SOME of their expenses. ALL Title IV-E foster children qualify for free lunch. If you put an income on that line, your child will lose it. The child's income is $0. You DO NOT report any information for your family--the child is a household of 1. Good luck with this and other forms. At all times for anything means tested, remember that the child is a household of 1 who has no means. Your household does not count at all.
Here in California the foster care payments would go on the form as the child's income. The payments are considered the child's income paid to the foster parents to reimburse them for the child's expenses (just like income from my job goes towards paying my expenses). Foster children still qualify for free lunch, though, because the payments are not enough to put them over the income limit.
It's strange that some forms seem to say differently. You'd think that a federal program would use the same form.
If it helps, the wording on mine is:
"Personal use" income is (a) money given by the welfare office identified by category for the child's personal use; and (b) all other money the child gets, such as income from his/her family. Write "0" if there is none. (Money received by foster parents for care of the child does not apply.)