My six-year-old son asked me this morning, knowing he was adopted by my husband, "If you weren't with Daddy, then how did you get pregnant? Were you married and divorced or something?"
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to discuss this with him? We've always been age-appropriately honest with my son.:hypno:
hi there,
he's asking some pretty mature questions for a 6 year old, so his brain must be really pondering this...i am a step-parent adoptee also, i was legally adopted at age 5 but hadn't seen my bdad since i was 2. i knew i was adopted because i was in my parents wedding and i remembered going to the courts to get my new daddy and have my name changed. whenever i would ask questions about it, however, my mother would brush over it or basically tell me that it was none of my business and that "daddy is your daddy now and that's all that matters". so i'm just commending you on wanting to speak the truth (in an age appropriate way) to your son. i don't think you necessarily have to give a lesson in birds and bees just yet. maybe just tell him that you had a boyfriend and you were in love but you just weren't right for eachother and then you met "daddy" and he adopted you...etc.
just a suggestion :) take care and good luck.
i honestly think that step-parent adoptions are among the most confusing situations for children. growing up you know something is different, but you're too scared to ask about it and then when you do ask finally it usually upsets the mother and the afather. i hope this is not the case with your son and that all goes smoothly :)