I am a biological Mom of a 2 1/2 year old and of an 8th month old foster baby we hope to adopt. I am looking for support as the biological parents are driving me CRAZY!!!
Luckily I have a great CPS worker and CASA worker!
Every week seems like a new drama with the biological parents and they have some new complaint about me. I try so hard to please them but it never works! How do you all deal with this rejection?
Welcome to the forums and the foster care world. In general, the bio's complain because it is the only thing they think they can control. As long as your CW and CASA are supporting you, it shouldn't be a problem. Sometimes you can't please the bio's. They are upset with everyone and anyone involved with the case. In their mind, you are part of the system that took their child from them. As for the rejection: you don't need their approval.
In my opinion after doing this for awhile... don't try to gain bio's approval. You are taking care of "their" child and from what I can tell no can do it better then "them".
In thier eyes you are the bad guy. So just take care of the little one to the best of your ability and document everything...
Like the previous poster said as long as the CASA and CW support you don't sweat the small stuff.
Thank you so much for your responses. I usually document things by emailing the CASA worker and Social Worker at the same time. Then I can pull up my sent items later. How do you keep track of your documentation?
The last thing that is driving me crazy is that the bio Mom said that I could keep all the of babies clothes that she outgrows for other kids (I've had her since she was a newborn.) and now she's changed her mind 8 months later and wants everything back. Advice?
Thank you so much for your responses. I usually document things by emailing the CASA worker and Social Worker at the same time. Then I can pull up my sent items later. How do you keep track of your documentation?
The last thing that is driving me crazy is that the bio Mom said that I could keep all the of babies clothes that she outgrows for other kids (I've had her since she was a newborn.) and now she's changed her mind 8 months later and wants everything back. Advice?
There are guidelines for everything else. I'm sure there are guidelines for this. Are you required to send clothes she came with but outgrew on with her or may you dispose of them as you wish when they're no longer useful?
The clothes are the child's and would either stay with her or be disposed of by you, but the way I see it Mom doesn't have any claims to them right now. If they stayed with her and she went back to mom, then mom could have them back. If you have the clothes and don't want to fuss with it, you could bag them up and send them to her. If they're already gone, just tell the caseworker that and let her deal with it.
Your bio's actually send clothes with the children?? Wow! Anyway back to your question. It really depends on your states guidelines for things like this.. Also it depends on your social worker and what he or she wants you to do..
If I buy clothes with a state voucher I usually take pictures of the clothes and file it away in a file. Then later on I could say that these were the clothes bought with the money from the state. Any other clothese that bio mom may feel they want to send I wash and usually put in a bag in the closet.. I sometimes will send the child back in the clothes that mom sends them home in.
As for documentation... I keep a working file in my computer that I store everything in. If it is something that I need to take a picture of .. it goes in that file. Another idea is to start a binder with all the information that you get about that child in their. Sections in the binder for doctor visits, shot records, anecdotal records that I may need later, a list of all belongings that child came with, receipts, etc. You can see where I am going with this. When a child leaves your home.. give this binder to the social worker maybe after making a copy for an envelope in your storage.
I hope this helps!
Wow- Gdaisy you are really organized! I wish I had this advice when I first got started. I have emailed out a lot of stuff. I guess I could go back through my old sent emails and compile them regarding doctor visits and such.
I just read my CASA workers blog and learned that her goal is to reunited my foster baby with her parents. I am hoping that's because the that is always the states goal in general. I am really hoping that we can adopt our foster baby.
Hi I am new to this forum I have read alot of your stories here and can relate. My husband and I have been liscensed foster parents for about six months. Our little guy actually came to us we where asked if we would consider doing Foster care because county had a little boy who was in the hospital and had no where to go. He was born addicted and was in the hospital at six weeks old going through withdrawl. Two other foster families did not want to take him because he cried all of the time. When we visited him in the hospital he did not cry and was able to hold him without fussing. It was like it was meant to be this is the fifth child for bm all have been voluntarily pt. Bm is on Methadone program and is doing the bare minimum to get him back but am told it is enough can anyone tell me what happens if mom moves to a different county after she get him back? Will he be placed with us if she messes up again.