HI I am new to this forum but have read alot of the posts and think it is great to have some place to vent. My husband I have been liscensed for sseven months. Our little guy actually found us. We where aproached by social worker if we would ever consider doing foster care they said they had a six week old who was in the hospital for withdrawl. We went to visit him in the hospital and was like it was meant to be. Two other foster couples had been asked but refused because he was so fussy when we went to visit he did not cry or fuss when we held him. this is BM fifth child every one has been in foster care and adopted out. BM is on program and is off drugs and is still just doing the bare minimum to get him back she calls me for every little question which is for him I know but she can do nothing for herself. she has no job and no place to live and has been working on that off and on for the whole time. I am told that he will be reunified with mom. Can anyone tell me what happens if she moves out of county and is placed back in foster care will he be placed back with us?
Well from what I know the only way you will get the baby back if he gets put back in foster care is if the same county office is in charge of placing him in a home...they will consider you first as long as you have space for him...the best of luck to you....
You can also be very kind and supportive to mom. This may be her last chance to parent her child.
As she get closer to reuniting, she may realize that she can't actually do it, she will feel much better knowing that her son is being taken care of by someone who cares about her and is nonjudgemental.
If she does reunite out of county and falters, she may just ask for he child to be place back with you.
I know it's awful what goes on in the name od "best interest", but just gotta do what you can. You may also ask to put your name in the file requesting that he come back to you if he comes back in care.
Thanks for the support BM and I do get along really well we even exchange pictures. I figure if he does go home maybe she will keep us involved with him she knows how important we are to him and he is to us. she has asked me in the beginning about us adopting him. I would hope she would make the right decision. We have also told her that she could be involved in his life as long as she is clean. I do hope that she can succeed as a mom if this is what she chooses
My DD's birth mom wanted badly to parent. She tried to the best of her ability at the time to work her case plan. She was struggling, but moving forward slowly. Her child had been in care 18 months, when out of the blue I got a call asking me to bring the baby to court at 9:00am the next morning. Bmom was volunarily relinquishing and naming me as her her choice to adopt.
I wasn't nice to her so she would give me her baby, I was nice just because she deserved to be treated with respect and kindness. But when she decided to relinquish, I sure was happy and thankful.
Good luck to you and the baby. May he find his way home.....where ever it may be.
I agree totally, I have always been nice to her because that is the way I would want to be treated, and know if I was in that same dilemma that I would want to be a friend with my child's care giver because after all it is in the best interest in the child no matter which way it may go. Thank you again I do not want to sound like I am trying to be nice to her for the child but do believe in shared parenting although this is our first placement who knows with different placement. Thank youi again it is nice to know that others have gone through similar experiences.