I remember when I got a call in the midle of the night for a baby girl. Her first diaper change was like this..
-take diaper off
-do a double take
-say "what the heck"
-then say "ooooh my wooord"
-laugh...realizing that the sw gave me a boy instead.
It turns out two friends lived together each with their babies. I was suppose to get a girl and another family a boy. SW accidently switched them. LOL she had to come back and give me right paperwork...I did not want to switch babies, just paper work.
A friend of mine has a beautiful little girl placed with her, soon to be adopted. This past Christmas, the family was putting out Christmas decorations, on the front lawn they put a nativity, with a baby jesus, who was only wearing a diaper. The little girl through out the day kept taking the baby jesus and bringing him inside, my friend kept explaining to her that he was an outdoor decoration and putting him back outside, finally she gave up bringing him inside. The next morning my friend woke up and went outside to warm up her car for work, and there was baby jesus, in the nativity, wearing her FD's coat and wrapped in blankets from her bed....FD explained that the cold wasnt safe for him, she wanted to protect jesus sleeps inside now, he has his own doll cradle in her room.
These are all great stories :banana: Keep 'em coming :popcorn:
My car is a 9 passenger station wagon with the 3rd row of seats facing backwards. To get in the rear seat you need to open the back door sort of like a hatchback. I had a new 3 yr old FS who was very verbal and a little on the loud side :woohoo: . The first time that I brought him in the car I was putting him in the rear facing seat and as he got in he loudly asked, "Hey! Why are you putting me in the trunk?!?" :eek: I quickly explained to him that it was not a trunk. Can you imagine him telling a social worker that his foster mom puts him in the trunk whenever we go in the car? :eek:
I was explaining our current 15 year old fs lack of growth & lack of testosterone on the phone with his bio mom. (kiddo is 4'9" & 80 pounds) How they are going to start shots for growth & some kind of meds to kick him into puberty....He pipes up "Well maybe I already hit puberty & you didn't notice?" I about died trying not to laugh. I assured him we would notice. LOL
I went to the mall the other day with my son and his gf with thier 2 daughters 1yo an a 1 week old, Plus my as who is 2 an my 2yo stbas also my fs who is 8 months old. We went to take pictures with the easter bunny. Well my son was pushing the quad stroller with 2caucasions, 1 hispanic and 1 african american baby in it. My sons gf and I were walking with the newborn a ways behind him because she couldn't keep up due to the recent c-section. We were hysterical laughing at the faces on people who were staring at him with 4 babies. One lady must have been staring too much for my son. In a very nice sarcastic way he leaned over an said, "They are ALL MINE!!!" I thought it was so funny I couldn't stop laughing!
My 4 year old fs and I was boarding the plan and as we were he yells "Mommy did you bring the bullets so we can shot the bad guys"!!! I was so scared that we were going to get kicked off the plane!
He also said, just yesterday, "Mom, I cant wait to go to bacon bible cool" (Vacation Bible School)
I remember when my now adopted AA niece was first placed with my sister as a foster child. She was 17 months old and had beautiful braided cornrows. We both remarked about how much hair she had for a baby, but didn't really think much more of it until later that night when my sister gave her a bath. She called me in a panic:
Sister: "The baby's hair is all falling out! It's all falling out!"
Me: "What do you mean it is falling out?"
Sister: "I was washing it and it all starting coming out! Oh my God! Oh my God! Maybe I wasn't supposed to use white people shampoo! Oh my God!"
It took me a half an hour to calm my sister down, but once I finally did, she realized that the baby's entire head of hair was extensions. She only had the tiniest bit of real hair that the extensions were attached to. These weren't the expensive ones that you have professionally done, more of a cheap home-done variety, so I guess she wasn't supposed to wash them.
I remember when my now adopted AA niece was first placed with my sister as a foster child. She was 17 months old and had beautiful braided cornrows. We both remarked about how much hair she had for a baby, but didn't really think much more of it until later that night when my sister gave her a bath. She called me in a panic:
Sister: "The baby's hair is all falling out! It's all falling out!"
Me: "What do you mean it is falling out?"
Sister: "I was washing it and it all starting coming out! Oh my God! Oh my God! Maybe I wasn't supposed to use white people shampoo! Oh my God!"
It took me a half an hour to calm my sister down, but once I finally did, she realized that the baby's entire head of hair was extensions. She only had the tiniest bit of real hair that the extensions were attached to. These weren't the expensive ones that you have professionally done, more of a cheap home-done variety, so I guess she wasn't supposed to wash them.
Our 3yo FD loves to sing at the top of her lungs. Her favorite song is "Holy, Holy, Holy".
The words go like this "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty..."
FD says, "Holy, holy, holy, God is on my team..."
I love it! LOL
Little boy J has been having nightmares. I think he is so used to sharing a room he misses the company. He asked at bed time "what if I have another nightmare". We have been discussing adopting more children so I asked if it would be better if he had a brother to share his room and he said yes. I asked how many we should adopt, 1?,2?,3?, 56?. He says with out missing a beat 56 would be good. He snuggles into bed and about 10 minutes later he trots into the livingroom to ask "can you start working on it tonight?" I guess we are gonna have a full house. We will get a bigger one when we can no longer close the doors.
Last year, after our nephew was with us for just 2 months, our good friends had a birthday party for their son. Most of the company was family members whom we've never met before. The party was held at the husband's parent's house & I have to mention that they are very strict Baptists. Let me just say that our nephew is a crack-up. He has me in stitches every day. I swear he's going to be a comic when he grows up. Anyway, he needed to use the bathroom. I showed him where it was then went back into the living room to visit. He was done in the bathroom, came around the corner into the living room with his underwear on his head! For a split second, I was mortified, wondering what the husband's parents thought. I got over it quick as the room filled with laughter. He admits that he did it to be funny. It worked! hmmm, wonder what he's going to come up with this year....
When we had our FS (2 yrs old) for about 2 weeks, I brought him into the bathroom to change his diaper at the mall. I put his diaper bag of stuff on the changing table when i heard him say "Ooo." When i looked at him he was running towards the urinal. I was saying "No No No, come here." He then picked up the urnial cake, dropped it finally and was sad so he put his fingers in his mouth. With the most disgusted look on his face. So before we changed his diaper, i had to wash his hands and mouth off. Glad that was the last time he did that.