We just got our foster license and adoptive homestudy completed in July. We took a 17 yr. old FS 4 months ago thinking he would be a 3 day placement, because he went to our local HS and we thought it would be simple. He's still with us, will likely stay with us until he gors to college and will forever call us his family. He is such an awesome kid and a total unexpected blessing.
We have been waiting for a foster/adopt placement of a younger brother/sister. Got a call finally last Friday that they had removed an almost 3 yr. old little guy from mom's care due to her meth addiction and unspecified neglect. He has two possible burn marks and came to us with multiple scars and a swollen and purple right eyelid, all noted on the intake form. He has a newborn sister who has been detoxing in NICU for meth for the past 8 wks. Mom is living with the baby's dad who has had three of his own children put into care and later reunited with birth mom (not our fS's mom). He, two grandmas, and 5 other friends of mom that she wnated the kids placed with have all failed to pass BC/fingerprints and/or homestudies for placement. She has one "friend" left who has no relationship with the children, but she wants her to take them. She is a single mom with two young kids and has passed her BCI and fingerprinting. We are awaiting word on her homestudy. In the meantime, mom goes to the hospital and fawns all over the baby and talks about not being able to wait to bring her home. She faces no charges as of now. My husband and I are flabberghasted. She obviously allowed her son to be injured, did meth while pregnant and while the 2 yr. old was in her care, and is calling all of the shots still. The SW said that no one really follows up on the existing injures b/c they don't "require medical treatment at this time". When does the someone step up for this child? No CASA worker has been assigned, and if mom's friend gets approved, he's off to go live with her where mom can access him whenever she wants. Heartbroken.....
It sounds like you are in a place where the CW just don't care, are overworked, and/or the judges don't take it seriously either. In my county (Texas), the children would be in care and the family friend would only be approved if the she could show she would not let Mom have nay contact with them except through the DCF office. Here, babies born with drugs in their system are automatically in foster care.
Unfortunately, (though I agree on principle) our local county system is so hell-bent on reunification at all costs that they fail to take the time and steps necessary to really assess a situation before making a case plan or custody decicion, I'm afraid. I just keep telling myself that I can only do what I can do, and ultimately, whatever happens after that, has to be in thehands of the county who hopefully, can be trusted with the best interests of the CHILD. That works wehn they forget to file a paper, not so much when a child's future and safety are at stake, though...:( The rules where we are at likely mean that this mom will get her children back, likely quickly, and then we'll wait for the call that they are back in care, more damaged than before. I pray every minute that I am wrong on this!!!!