I was just reading that a felony conviction is grounds for term of parental rights....Ok so what are the details to this...
I left my husband in May 09 for DV and abuse on me and the kids...well in AUg 09 he was arrested...for 3 felonies....he got out of jail in Dec 09 with 9 years of probation...
Can I have his parental rights terminated because of this???
There is some good information at this site: Child Welfare.You will see that grounds for TPR may include "a felony conviction of the parent(s) for a crime of violence against the child or another family member, or a conviction for any felony when the term of incarceration is so long as to have a negative impact on the child, and the only available provision of care for the child is foster care". So it isn't just any felony, but felonies for crimes within the family or where there is a long incarceration.You raise a more complicated question, though. I'm not sure that you have the right to terminate his parental rights at all. The state can pursue TPR, but I don't think that one parent can TPR against another parent. You can get a restraining order which prevents contact with the kids (and still pursue child support).You should consult with an attorney in your state. Good luck.
Last update on July 24, 8:08 am by Sachin Gupta.