I was wondering if anyone has used government grants as a way to pay for part of thier adoption. We like most Americans don't have four thousand dollars just sitting in the bank, that is what we need to finish the foster to adopt program. does anyone know of grant codes through the federal government that would subsidise any part of this?
I used a private agency that had a contract with MO and there was NO cost for the adoption at all. I had to only adopt from this area for 6 months but had I not found a child, I could then have adopted from anywhere in the US, again with no cost. Not sure why this agency would charge you private infant adoption fees to adopt from foster care.
:confused: I thought you were adopting from the Congo?
At any rate, I don't think there are federal grants for this purpose as there is already an adoption tax credit. So I don't think the government would give breaks on the front end of the process as well? (not sure)
Other possible grant foundations can be found here in this link as a place to start. [url=]Adoption Grants Part Two — Transracial / Transcultural Adoption[/url]
I would check with another agency though if the fees are that high for foster care and especially if due upfront. That seems odd to me.
we had orginally looked into the congo, but with our situation it was not rec. so we found a great Same sex couple friendly agency that works through the foster care system.
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Just posting this in case anyone finds themselves on this posting with the same question...I have used Carefunder as a resource and was successful....
I was told that in our area of MO we would hire an atty and the state would reimburse us up to $1500 when the time comes.