A friend of mine recently went through a bankruptcy. They still have their house, car, etc just have to deal with everything in cash now. They are married and have a child of their own. They asked me if they would qualify for foster care. I remember being asked about my financials and if I ever declared bankrupcy when I home my first visit. Would a recent bankrupcy of my friend's part automatically disqualify them?
In my experience a bankruptcy is not an automatic disqualification, in fact we've never been asked if we had one and are going through our 4th homestudy.
Remind your friends that they are not looking for perfect people, they are looking for regular people that have dealt with problems in life and are more interested in hearing about how they have overcome problems than passing judgement on the problems they have faced. I think the important thing for your friends to be able to share is what got them into this situation, that they are in a better place now and how they will avoid getting in this situation in the future.
If their jobs, home and income versus expenses are secure and they are not trying to pay off debts with foster care or adoption subsidy they should be just fine.