My name is Kathleen Sue Follmer. I was born in September of 1958. I am looking for my biological mother and father. All I know is that I was born in St Louis, MO. My mother was unmarried, and got pregnant with me by a man in the service. My natural father was already married, and had a family, therefore, he did not want any ties with me or my biological mother. My biological mother, new of or was directed to a Jesuit Priest at the time that knew of a couple that was interested in obtaining a baby, but was unable to go by the normal procedures in adoption to acquire a baby. There was NO legal adoption done. It was basically, I was taken from my biological mother, and given to this couple by this priest. I do know the name of this priest, but he is deceased. I do not know how birth certificates were done in 1958, but I only can receive a certificate that just states my name and date of birth. This was not a legal adoption, so no records should be sealed. Somebody did tell me once, that back then, if the mother was unmarried, I couldn't receive my original birth certificate, which I would hope at least give me my birth mother's name. If anybody could help me, I would be so appreciative. I am currently 51 yrs old, and I do realize that the odds of any of my biological birth parents being alive or even remembering is relatively low. But I would like to get an incite to some family history for myself, and to tell my kids and grandkids. I do know I have some half brother or sisters out there, do to the fact my biological father had an existing family when I was born. I am not looking to disrupt anybody's life if they don't want to know me. But I would at least be able to put some names of who I am , and where I came from, so on my part of the family tree it is not always listed as unknown. Thank you