We just adopted our 3-year-old foster daughter. So many of the picture adoption books seem to be about international or newborn adoption. Are there any about foster child adoptions? Also, if I can find one cheap enough, I'm considering buying several to give out at her adoption party so that other children can understand. Any recommendations for that?
Well, duh! Apparently I was confused. When you said picture book, I thought you meant like a baby book (you know like the ones they have specifically for adoption). I need more sleep. Obviously.
I like Let's Talk About It: Adoption by Fred Rogers that was already mentioned. As imagined, it has a nice flow, and a matter of fact, unbiased gentle way of describing adoption and the reasons for it. Maybe too old for a 3 year old, but my 5 year old gets it. And it has good ways to form a conversation, and helps for an adult talking to a child about adoption (like for your child's friends' parents, to help them explain it to their child).
I also liked Zachary's New Home: A Story for Foster and Adopted Children. it goes a little into the feelings of anger or shame that young children may feel but may not be able to articulate, so I don't know if you want to hand it out to young friends, who then may assume or comment on what they expect your child to feel, but it is a great book for the home.
My daughter was older (7 yrs when a foster child) and she really loved Zachary's New Home. She also considered taking it to school for show and tell day (tho she decided on something else) and she would show it to her friend's when they slept over.
My daughter was older (7 yrs when a foster child) and she really loved Zachary's New Home. She also considered taking it to school for show and tell day (tho she decided on something else) and she would show it to her friend's when they slept over.
I have never heard of this book. I will check into it for my 7 yr old. He was adopted from foster care at almost 4yrs.
A Forever Family by Jennifer Jordan Wong (Written from the 7 yr old childs perspective, and discusses her foster family and her adoptive family, nice photos of the actual child.)
We belong together By Todd Parr (A nice pretty look at the adoption "I had love to give. You needed to be loved" "You needed a home. I had plenty of space." etc. people either love this or hate it. I liked it for foster adoption, I would not like it for domestic infant adoption.
We belong together By Todd Parr (A nice pretty look at the adoption "I had love to give. You needed to be loved" "You needed a home. I had plenty of space." etc. people either love this or hate it. I liked it for foster adoption, I would not like it for domestic infant adoption.[/QUOTE]
My 28 month old long term fs loves "We belong together"- it is so sweet when he says " now we are a family" and ' belong together- us" Highly recommend this book for your family's use.
I just received Welcome Home, Forever Child by Christine Mitchell. It's my favorite adoption book so far. Thanks for the recommendation!
The Todd Parr books are the only books on the subject that J will not only sit through, but has requested
We bought Zachary's New Home and Welcome Home Forever Child when we adopted our two children (siblings age 2 and 4). Welcome Home Forever Child is the book that I like, because it is more positive, but Zachary's New Home is the book that my daughter (4) identifies with and requests. It's a little above her level, but she follows the story and it seems to really strike a chord with her because she understands the things the little cat goes through.
Welcome Home Forever Child doesn't hold her attention so much, I think becuase it doesn't have a real character or story line to identify with and follow. It's more abstract. But seeing the picture at the end with the family of cats and comparing it to our family picture helped her start to see us as a real family, I think.
I know this is an older thread, but I recently found a great book for foster care adoption. "A Place To Grow" it's about a seed that floats on the wind and can't find where it's supposed to be. Great story and beautiful pictures!
I found one last night at our library- from the bio child's perspective.
"Emma's yucky brother"
Don't be turned off by the title, it makes perfect sense in the context of the story.
Basic story-
Emma is playing with her friend and the friend's little brother comes over. Emma comments that her brother is coming tomorrow. It covers the transition period, but the bulk of the book focuses on feelings of Emma as her family comes together after her little brother moves in. It does cover, briefly, the role of the foster family in the process.
This is level 2 reading book- simple chapters, probably 1st-3rd grade level. I read it with my son last night and we were able to talk about his transition in the family and what it might be like if we are lucky enough to grow our family thru foster care adoption.