Does anyone know how long it takes for CPS to investigate an allegation before they reach a decision and once the allegation is considered false will it be before you can start fostering and going on with your life?
Do you know for sure that they are even investigating?
Call and find out whats going on. I know you are worried about the sibling group that you are to adopt. The allegations sounded so stupid. If I remember, it was that you feed him junk food and that your husband threw water on him for disipline. Humm. Didn't you say he was autistic? You will probally never know who called on you, but I doubt your fs said any of this. They would need a witness that saw your husband do this. As far as the junk food I wouldn't even bother with that. I would call, be nice, very nice. You don't want them to say you have anger issues. Get to the bottom of this. If they say someone saw him do this. Find out where and when this incident happened. Good chance your husband was at work or not even around the day they are stating. If they say your fs said it, then let them know that he is 4(?) and autistic, and someone must have said that for him. Good luck to you.
No I don't really know anything. I am going to give it a couple more days then I am going to call the number on the card the guy left us. I have talked to the foster care worker but he says he doesn't know anything and once he does he will let us know.
Thanks for the support Pammi. It helps a lot to just be able to talk about it and know there is ppl that cares.
I would love to know if someone actually seen this water incident but I know better because it didn't happen. It has to be hearsay. I know things will turn out positive and we have to stay positive. Thanks again
Another thing I thought of. Your FS could have said that "daddy throws water on me when he is mad." Whoever he told that to assumed it was your husband. It could have been his dad or a mom's boyfriend. Children at that age are unable to tell time. They can remember things but are unable to give a place, time and even the actual person that did this to them or they are scared to name the person. Sometimes they will even name a person close to them that had nothing to do with it. Anything could have happened. I know they can't tell you who called in, but I do believe you have a right to know exactly what was said and when this supposedly occured. My heart goes out to you. You don't deserve this. I know it's probally all you can think about.
I had one allegation, it helps to be proactive. Call the number and set up appointments. Also, if they do want to interview you, just try to stay on a very fact based answer. I am not saying be emotionless, just keep the emotions of love and sadness, but try to leave out any bitterness you are feeling. Also, even if you are nervous, take your time to answer, you don't want something to come out wrong. Good luck with this. Just for some comfort, my story was worse, and I got the investigator who "always" finds them, and mine was unfounded. It did take three months though, and they were the longest three months of my life!! I was allowed to continue fostering though. Good luck, and know that alot of us have been through this, and for most there is justice, but be willing to work for it.
Thanks for all your kind words and support.
I just wanted to update. I called CPS last week and the guy was really nice and while I didn't really get much info I felt better when I hung up the phone. I also called our agency we went through and the director said there was a meeting between her 2 other workers and CPS about this on May 12th. Maybe we will know something then. I am feeling better as the days go on and staying positive.
Thanks again to all who have supported me through this. It is so much appreciated!!!!