We are doing respite for a 10 yo girl this weekend. She has been in foster care for 1 week and supposedly has no behavioral issues. My friend used to work in a group home. She said that when she comes, I should check her bags so I know what she brought. Then when she goes to leave, I should "check to make sure she has everything". What I'm really checking for is that she hasn't taken anything.
This goes so against my personality. Do I really need to search her stuff? Is this common operating procedure for foster parents? I really don't want to do this but I don't want to be stupid. We have a nice home and I suppose things a kid would want to steal if they did that sort of thing.
Any thoughts?
In my agency, we had to sign a paper that says we can not go in a child's bag without permission.
With my emergency placement (a 16 year old), I didn't go near her bags even though I knew I would absolutely find a few big "NO NO" items in it (her cell phone, cigarettes and probably some drugs that she told me she uses). I never asked to see her things and I doubt she would have even let me. And she had recent theft charges (for several incidents but most recently from the day before she came to me) pending in court.
On the other hand, my 8 year old respite kiddo, does not pack his own bag to come here or return home so I am the one packing his bag and going thru everything to make sure I didn't leave something out. He probably would steal from me but he wouldn't put it in his bags!