WARNING: The language used in the videos is not safe for small ears
[url=]How the Internet Beat Up an 11-Year-Old Girl[/url]
Cliff notes:
- Foul mouthed 11 year old posts webcam rants and (not stated in the article) semi-nude photos of herself online
- 4chan, the NASTIEST bottom-feeders on the internet, thinks this is funny and starts harassing her both online and in real life via phone calls, sending strippers to her house, etc.
- 4chan also makes this the top topic on Google search and it's now being picked up by media outlets
This poor kid. She clearly has had some really crappy parenting, and possibly other damaging experiences (hyper-sexualization anyone?), and now she's the #1 hot topic of the internet.
From what I hear the family is now under police protection, has been moved to a safe house due to death threats and CPS is involved.
Just a reminder to make sure you're keeping tabs on all online activity for your kids; the internet is a capricious beast and has no regard for youthful stupidity.
Even now this little girl's mom says she hasn't seen the videos that kicked up all this fuss. Oy...
That kids needs some help first of all. It's not just the language that bothered me, it's the threats about using a gun to make a brain slushy. I mean, wth? She needs some serious intervention.
I feel bad that people would do crazy stuff, but the kid does need help. Hopefully, her parents will get a clue and keep her off the net.
The most shocking part of this to me, also, is the things that little girl was saying in her videos. Holy cow, I wouldn't even think to say some of those things and I'm well past 11. The gun talk, the sexual stuff. It's insane that she's been allowed to make these videos and her parents seem completely unaware of it.Certainly, the people who attacked her in return should have known better than to do those things to a child. I think many of the 4chan users who did so may have been quite young themselves. If so, all of them need to have their computers confiscated.Actually parenting one's children. It's a good thing.