Anyone have any feedback about this?
The short version... T took himself off of Abilify cold turkey June 25. As has happened in the past, he had a huge increase in rage, aggression, and volatility for the past several weeks. Terrible timing too, as it was a family vacation, so he made a lousy impression on my extended family due to his rudeness, which isn't typically the way he behaves.
Two weeks ago, he assaulted my husband for the second time. He spent his 17th birthday in juvenile detention. Today, he starts a weekend wilderness program, and Sept 28 he hopefully will be attending a 30 day program. We have to pay out of pocket for this, but as we've put every dime given to us by the county into a bank account, the money will be used for this. CYS will only pay for it if we sign him back into foster care (and given that the case worker informed me that all of T's problems are because I don't listen to him, like hell with that happen!).
We also have Case Advocacy through post-permanency services as well as a Family Group Decision Making meeting on Monday.
Is there anything else I'm missing? He has no remorse, no accountability, no sorrow about this. He's only angry and upset that he will not be able to participate in football this year.
You can ask for an increase in his subsidy - it won't cover all the costs, but may help. I have heard of the program, but probably only b/c we are with that agency... I don't have any first hand information, but I will check with another foster mom I know that may be familiar with it and can provide feedback.
Why did you guys stop his abilify cold turkey?
If you sign him back into fostercare, does that mean he'd be moved from your home? Or could he stay in your home? Im not suggesting it, just thought I'd ask. I know doing that could possibly make it only worse for him.
Why did WE stop his Abilify cold turkey? We didn't. He went to football camp at PSU and decided while there that he was an adult and could make adult decisions, including the decision that he didn't need his meds. He stopped taking them. In the state of PA, at age 14 kids can legally refuse medical treatment, and there's not a bloody thing I can do, even as his parent, to make him take the meds. He knows this and flaunts it in our face (he knows the system far better than most adults).
This is not the first time since that age that he has cold turkeyed meds without medical guidance, and this is not the first time that rebound rage/aggression/anger has resulted. He just doesn't see the pattern.
If you could check with the other foster parent, that would be great.
I know at 14 kids can refuse meds and medical services,...Im waiting for the day my 14 yr old AS realizes it! He hates therapists/services (MT, BSC, outpatient) and his meds (Concerta), all which he needs regularly. The second he says to his providers I don't want you here and I refuse to talk to you, ...out the door they go.
Im sorry he is making poor choices and hopefully he can see the direct consequences as a result of them.
I sent a txt msg to the foster mom this morning...will let you know what I hear back.
Good luck and I hope the program does help!