It's been a month since our long-term placement of 3 kids were RU'd with their mom.The girls were 4 and 5 and wanted to be home with their mom and doing really, really good from all accounts.The little boy is 2.5yo and he's been with us since he was just 8 months old. I had to report things that were going on, but because the reports came from me, they were not taken seriously.I don't know what else to do. I've been praying and will continue to pray for his safety. I've rattled all the cages I can rattle.The mom is angry that I reported things I saw and she wants to get a "no contact" order signed. The cw was the only person who knew I reported, so I believe she broke confidentiality rules to tell the mom i am the one who reported. Right??So this cw called a meeting for the mom, her lawyer, DCS, CASA and I to discuss this issue.The meeting was yesterday. The only 2 people who did not show up for the meeting? This caseworker and the mom! The cw was "off" for the day. No one seemed to know where the mom might be.So many unanswered questions, so many frustrations, I don't know what to do or where to go. All DCS can say is "He is not being abused enough to remove." :grr: "The mom isn't as nurturing as you are." "You make parenting look so easy." "We know she will never earn parent-of-the-year awards" "We have lots of services in place for her." (So many, in fact, that I would be hard-pressed to make all the appointments! She has no gas money and an undependable car... how she will make all the appointments remains to be seen.)You know my biggest frustration? The girls, once again, are the ones taking precedence over the little boy. All the services they've put in place are directly related to the girls, not him.The state is paying much, much more money to allow this mom to keep damaging this little boy, than they were paying us in per diems for him. And while he was here, he was happy, well-taken care of and wasn't being emotionally, physically and mentally damaged in the process.This little boy is severely missing his "family" (us) and the mom is incredibly impatient, irresponsible, mean to him... and now she plans to cut the only people who loved and cared for him.Some days I wonder why in the world we signed on to be foster parents. It hurts horribly, horribly bad to see hurting children and be completely powerless to stop it or change it.DCS puts a condescending smile on their faces and apathetically says, "we know it's hard to lose a child you grew attached to." Hello!!!?? That's not the problem! If he were happy and settling in well, it would be completely different.Ahhh, thanks for letting me rant and rave. No one seems to quite understand this thing called foster care.
We have a similiar situation right now watching our daughter's half sister be parented by her biomom. It is heartbreaking. I have hotlined, I have made calls to caseworkers... all for not. Its not "bad enough" to do anything. It is extremely difficult to watch a child go through that. I'm so sorry, know you've done all you can to protect him... yet, I know it is sooooo hard to see the life he is living now (and the girls, too, obviously)
I feel your pain, your loss, and totally get where you are coming from. No one can possibly prepare you for what foster parenting brings:( . Just know that God has a plan for those kids and has the "bigger picture" for their lives. My prayers are with you and for those children. Hang in there.
I reported on the teen mom I was fostering. She was allowed to keep custody of her baby. All I heard was it isn't "bad enough".....yeah, cause I was providing the food, home, clothing etc. As long as S was feeding her, there was nothing they would do. Mom has a long history of assault (3 charges, last one with a knife) and mental health problems. Last admitted to psych in May. Nothing I said made a difference. Sad.