We are 'traditional' foster parents ( not relative placement ). Our first placement over 2 years ago was a newborn. We had her for 6 months and everyone incl. our C&Y agency, thought it would go to adoption due to mom's long history, etc. The judge sent her home without even requiring the parents to do a plan, or anything. Obviously, we were devastated, as were our bio kids. We were asked if we'd like to be called if she came back into care, and of course we said yes. I just got a call on Monday that she came into care later last week, and was placed with another family. I was told that since we have 6 kids under 18, they put her somewhere else. Needless to say, I was upset. We have 4 bio kids, the oldest will be 18 in 4 months. We currently have a 2 yr old, who we are on the road to adopting, and a 1 yr old. We don't know how that case will go. Anyway, I told our cw that I thought for sure they'd give us a waiver since we had a history with the baby, and our daugther will be 18 so soon. We talked to a couple of people, and one mentioned that since we are in the process of moving, that is also an issue. Without going into every detail of the conversation, the bottom line is that we love this baby, and feel that she belongs with people who have a connection and commitment to her. Nothing negative on the people she's with, just we feel this was not handled right. We'd appreciate any thoughts that might help us properly handle it. I am really disappointed in how the agency handled this and said so, but I want to be careful in how I proceed.