Dear forum member, Thanks for the input.( On Oct 14 2010 (in about 10 hours) we are marriedfor 10 years! Best wishes, J-and-M )About the following: (from forum member)Do you have resources set up to deal with the following: Reactive Attachment Disorder, Juvenile/Adult court systems, Drug/Alcohol abuse, employment services, educational services, psychiatric services, learning disabilities, biological family/reunification services, the legal ramifications (both for you and the adoptee) of adult adoptions?I think we have these services in PA for thosewho need them.Should we assume that the 18 year old kid will need them? Kids are going to the streets with no place to go.If they are aging out of the system and want a momand dad I think families with no kids (like us) havevery little to lose by adopting. If we do not get alongwhat is the worst that can happen? Havingkids adopted or not is risky. Which is more risky adopting a 15 year old or an 18 year old? I wouldsay a 15 year old.About the following: (from forum member)I am concerned that you, other adoptive families, or the adults that are adopted end up getting hurt or taken advantage of. I can't say that Children and Youth always get it right, but at least there are some safeguards for both families and kids... with your scenario, where are the safeguards?I do not knew what to say.I am sure you have just as big a heart as we haveand I am sure that you read many articles like this oneand like us it makes you cry.[url=]Homeless at age 18 – aging out of foster care [/url]Again about safeguards?I will give it a try.#1 We are talking about adults.#2 The family that wants to adopt and theadults wanting to be adopted would be askedby the adults adoption agency to agree tohaving a criminal background check done.#3 The family that wants to adopt and theadults wanting to be adopted would ask forreferences and take all the time they needbefore meeting each other.#4 The biggest safeguard is in that the law is notforcing said adults to live together. Theidea would be to have a caring family where welook out for each other but all families have ups anddowns and then ups again.Again which is more risky adopting a 15 year old or an 18 year old? I would say a 15 year old because thelaw makes you live together.BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE IT WILL HAPPEN BECAUSEADULTS BELIEVE THat FOSTER KIDS AGING OUTARE TO RISKY AND THE KIDS AGING OUT WILLNOT PUT UP PROFILES AS THEY HAVE GIVEN UPAND DO NOT WANT TO BE LET DOWN.A note to you that did age out of foster care.You are less risky to adopt because the law will notmake us live together. I believe all families have upsand downs and I believe you are good kids just likemore than 95% of kids. I think less then 5%of ALL kids have bad intent. I.e. more then 95% ofALL kids have good intent. If you have given up hopeof finding a mom and dad I understand but I want tosee if an adult adoption agency could work.Lets see if this could work!J-and-M