I am meeting my future son, J, tomorrow! He is 13 years old. I am anxious, excited, hopeful, and nervous all at the same time. His social worker told me J is so anxious he hasn't been able to concentrate on his lessons for days. I understand since I haven't really been able to concentrate on work since I found out when I would be meeting him.
I'm hoping someone reads this sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. I am seeking advice on advice on DOs and DON'Ts? I don't want to make J feel any more awkward and nervous than he already is likely to be.
Wow! Glad to hear you got a placement!!!!!!
No real advice to offer because I'm also meeting my son J tomorrow! He's 10! Was originally supposed to meet Sat, but my worker called today to ask me if I could do a meeting Thurs with his therapist. Excited and nervous and who know what other emotions all running threw me all night!
I'd say just relax, he's probably just as nervous. Find a common interest to chat about and just go with the flow.
Try cross posting in special needs- more traffic there.
Best of luck tomorrow!
My home study was also approved in May. I contacted so many social workers about children on adoptuskids and was getting discouraged. Then, about a month ago I was told about J. I hope your meeting goes well!