Dear Group,
I'm about a month into searching for a sister I just found out about. She was born to my father and his girlfriend in March 1967. He thinks DOB was in the range of March 24-27 and likely 3-27-67 but isn't sure. I've registered with 10 different online/paper registries including this site, adoption database, ISRR and PARR. The baby girl was born in Erie, PA (unsure which hospital) after the mother spent time at the Flo. Critt. Home in Erie. Catholic Charities handled the adoption; they've confirmed they have the record but nothing else. My dad was told by the bmom that he wasn't listed on the OBC (just "unknown"), so he has no ability to use the bio parent release form with vital records or the adoption medical history database. I would love to hear any search tips from those of you searching for adoptees or bfamily connected to Erie, PA births. I also did not have a friendly exchange when I called the Orphan's Court. I was told nobody could help with any info-even non-identifying info and that there was no way they could help confirm the true DOB. Thanks in advance for any help! JP-