Has anyone had any luck with applying for and receiving adoption grants? We are about to finish our home study and would like to apply for grants. Thanks.
We looked a bit but alot require the child to be special needs or that its an older child, sibiling...ect... i think thats a site that will help you find grants. Good luck
[URL=""]Parenthood for Me[/URL] is currently accepting applications for grants through May 1st. They awarded 4 grants last years to both adoptive couples and infertile couples.
There's also a new non-profit called the [URL=""]Lost Stork Foundation[/URL] that's hosting a cookbook fundraiser so they can build their grant fund as well. I think they hope to start accepting applications for grants this year, if they receive enough donations that is.
Not many people donate to organizations like these because the people who support them (regular Joe's like you and me) are so broke! So if you have $10 to spare please buy a cookbook or make a donation. Who knows, you or someone you know may be a recipient of these grants one day!
PS- Neither of these organizations have strict requirements, though I've done my research and LOTS of organizations do, especially with regards to religion or special needs children
Thanks for the info on the grant. I have applied to one.. and looked at several others but must have an approved home study before applying. Shouldn't we just get these children free... LOL ;)
Thanks for this information. Our family is finishing up the home study portion of the adoption process and I have just begun to fill out adoption grant forms.
[url=]Snapshots From Our Journey[/url]