Our 20 month old foster child whom we have had since birth was just reunified with her bio parents. We are devasated and felt we needed a vacation, well we booked a disney vacation with our son. Well, I received a call from DCYF saying they needed emergency placement for a 2 year old little girl, I could not say no. They have arranged for respite for her while we go on vacation, but I am feeling really guilty, we have only had her a week and she is attached. Is it appropriate to take her with us? I am somewhat new to foster care and do not know all the rules.
It really depends on the agency. We took our foster kids on vacation with us everywhere. In fact on was to Disney. All you can do is ask.. it never hurts. Most CW and judges like to see you "treat" the child as yours. There is a chance though that the bio family will through a major fit. If this happens and the CW is for her going with you they can get a court order. :) good luck!!
we took fks on vacation out of state more than once. once we took a little girl who had been with us about a week bc we already had plans. the sw asked the mom,who said yes and we were good to go. other times the parents were not asked and the sw just petitioned the court. we never had a problem as long as we gave all the info- where we were staying, contact numbers, dates, etc. the only issue we ran into was if it conflicted with visits....but i have heard of other cases where the missed visit was added onto the next week and it was no big deal.:) it is worth a shot!
Don't flame me, but it's pretty early, I would think a child so young would be very overwhelmed by all of it. On top of that the child will miss visits with her BPs which is critical at this stage. Also, you'd have to get agency and birth parent permission to take her out of state, and because these people don't know you, I wouldn't expect they would approve it (you never know though...).
I can imagine how you feel, I wouldn't be able to go on vacation w/out my foster children.
We take our foster daughter on all of our vacations. We have to get approval from her worker and in several cases the courts. I think it's important to make them part of all family activities.
I've taken 4 on vacation (3 different sets of kids). We're told to treat them like family. Plus leaving them would add to the rejection they feel (IMHO).