My niece lost her son to foster care. He is her second child, her daughter's father is raising her. She lives in Missouri and her son was moved to Illinois 6 months ago to live with her father as a kinship placement.
She went to court Wed, which was suppose to be her final chance to prove she could take care of her son(she cannot-she's a paranoid schizephrenic and won't stay on her medication). She says she's done everything on her plan(and may have-she was working on it) but now the judge told her if she really wants her son back, she has to visit him once a month even if it's just for a weekend.
She has no car, lives on disability and no way can she do this. I don't think she should have custody of her son because off her medication, she is a danger to him. It just seems very cruel to me, for the judge to make such a request simply to drag this case out and give her false hope.
She is pregnanat again, and I believe this may have something to do with this latest stall tactic.
Is this normal?
I don't know about her state, but from what I know in my state the judge wouldn't order visits to another state. But every place is different with some judges following the law and others making it up as they go.