I know that there have been similar threads in the past but most have to do with younger children. We have no issues preparing our 5 yr old at an age appropiate level.
My question is how to prepare my 14 year old? How much should I go over with him. We already had the no labeling talk (meaning seperating him or her by the label adopted sister or brother). We have also talked about delays and adjustment periods. I am struggling with discussing possible rage with him. He was one who went thru 4 years of rages when he was younger (after I married his stepdad). = Lots of holes in the wall and broken glass.
Any suggestions?
I really don't have any experience parenting children over age 7 yet, so you can take my advice with a grain of salt...
Personally, I would probably bring it up with him. He may be more empathetic with the child's struggle having been through something similar himself. Does he remember his own rages and how hard it was for him? Maybe just remind him of that and try to get him to consider how this may be a similarly huge life changing event (for him, you, and the new child). If he now has a good relationship with his stepfather it would be a good comparison that good things can come out of situations that seem difficult at first. Even if your newly adopted child doesn't have any rage, it would be good for your ds to be considerate of how hard the transition probably will be for him/her. Good luck! I know 14 is a hard age. (at least it was for me :) )