I have considered asking to foster teen moms (big fan of the show and wish I could help out a couple of those moms!).
For those of you who have done it, do you get foster care stipends for both the teen and the baby or is it just for the teen? What is your relationship to the baby considered to be and what are your responsbilities to the baby? I would be interested in hearing the experiences of others. Thanks.
phxmama, I have had two teen moms, 1 of the moms only stayed with me for a weekend, because, they found out that she was a runner and so she could not be placed with the baby in case ran again. Her baby stayed with me for about 2 months, before she went to relatives. The other teen mom was with me for 4 months and she ran also, she left her baby, but DFCS was never able to find her. Her baby is now our AD.- Yes we got a stipend for the baby and the mom because I was considered the foster parent to both of them (mom and baby), so I was responsible for both, DFCS tried to allow the teen to parent the baby, but let's say she did not, then I was responsible because the baby was a foster child and in my case I did have to do just about all he care of baby, because if mom didn't want to do it , she didn't