Well, looks like our big guy will be moving on. DHS has found a placement for him near his old house so he will return to his old school and will be with 2 of his brothers. That part is great. Problem is that caseworker has told us that he does not get along with these two brothers. She would like to transition him slowly but that does not look like a possiblity. I think he is leaving Thursday. He is not happy about it.
I am sure that he will be thrilled once he is there but its hard to let go. I will support him fully. He has begged to stay and that breaks my heart. I would love to keep him forever as he fits so nicely into our clan. This is why we were not going to foster!
To make matters worse, I have to save up time again off from work to think about even doing visitations with another child.
I am so worried about telling him today that the move is definatly going to happen and real soon. I am praying that I will not let my emotions get the best of me. I need to stay strong for this guy and my family whom will be devistated as well.
I am considering giving up on adoption in general. I feel as though I have been a pawn in the first match and now am seeing our fs being pawned around. We really wanted to adopt locally but China is starting to look good....
Thanks for letting me vent.
That's so sad when they don't take the time to transition slowly.
Is there any way you could run the child up for a visit tonight so he can meet his new fparents and see what the place is like? Or at least Skype?
I had a placement once that was being moved out of state, and she was so scared. I took her there for a visit and she got to see her room and find out they loved her and wanted her, and got to meet a half sister that was very welcoming. So after that she handled the situation much better.
But look what you did, you brought a child into your home and made him feel good, safe and loved in a time that he really needed it. He will always remember you for that. Will they allow you to remain in contact with him? It may help if he can have your phone #.