We're currently with a private agency. We connected with them because a friend of ours works there, even though it's not in our county. We've had a couple of emergency placements since being licensed at the beginning of December. Both, as you can see from my sig, were for sibling groups of 3.
Knowing how the county workers prefer to use their homes first, we don't see that this pattern of sibling groups will change a great deal for us. We haven't had a bad experience having 3 at a time, but we're thinking it mught be a bit much for us. As such, we're tossing around the idea of making a change to our county Y&F division in the hopes of getting single children or maybe two at a time.
What I don't know is what's involved in that process. Does our homestudy need to be redone or will it transfer? We're coming up on a year for our background / fingerprint checks, so I assume those would be re-run anyway. Would our training transfer or would we be starting from scratch?
Any thoughts / experiences appreciated.
I switched from a private agency to another private one. I had to do EVERYTHING over again. NOTHING transferred from either my adoption homestudy or foster license.
I also switched from one private agency to another and all of our stuffed transferred. We did have to do some classes but they were due anyway.
As for the placement calls your getting there is always a GREAT need for homes that can take sibs, but you should be able to tell them that you would like only 1 or 2 at a time.
The day my husband went to finish his classes our agency was trying to find a home for 6 sibs. They were going to have to split them up into three homes. We try to just take singles except for when we got the twins. But when they brought them there was another little girl about 2 in the car and I asked who is that the worker said their sister. I asked where she was going and they were taking her to a home about 2hrs away. It broke my heart I told them that I had plenty of room for her even though I was licenced for 2. I guess there was nothing they could do at that point.
If you like your agency I would think long and hard before going to county, Its a whole different animal.