Hi. We found out recently that we are one of four families being considered for a 13 year old girl. We know her and really really like her. She really likes us and her foster worker has even told us that she had requested us to be the family to adopt her. Sounds good right?
Problem - we have a 14 year old bio son. Her file states that she admits to being molested years ago but does not act out sexually. So this "should" not be a problem.
Where the big problem lies is that our caseworker doesn't like it. She thinks that the adoption would get halted at the top when someone reads it and says - no way boy and girl that close in age - forget it!
What are your thoughts on this?
I should hear more by the end of the week.
I think if the proper precautions are taken it could be totally fine. I really hope that a great placement wouldn't be held-up or stopped just because of the close ages. They wouldn't be sharing a room or anything.
Something else to consider, I saw you have a 5 year old bio daughter as well and one thing I find is that a lot of workers want their child to be the youngest or only in the family. I hope that does not present more a problem either. Has that been discussed at all? I have heard people do not want to "alter" the birth order of kids too.
I hope you do not face any problems...blessings!
Adoptive mommy to A (3 years old) :cheer:
Foster mommy to J (3 years old) :clap: