My husband and I live in San Bernardino County and are looking into fostering/fostering to adopt. I am new to this forum and have found some very helpful info. I have a couple of questions...
1. Has anyone dealt with multiple counties at once and is this something that is even possible? Any advice on this?
2. We have just started researching and am overwhelmed with the amount of info. If choosing to go thru the county, do we just start by attending the orientation meeting? Any good resource suggestions as we begin this journey? We are pretty much starting at square one.
3. County vs a private agency (Olive Crest) suggestions? Pros and cons? Are the adoption costs similar for both if you are fostering the child prior or do you still pay the much higher fee with the private agency?
Thank you in advance for your input.
Hi, ValerieR,
Choosing the right agency public or private is an important step in your adoption journey..glad you are thinking this thru and looking at your want to choose an agency that can guide you through the process, educate you and provide support services to increase and enhance your success at building your family ..Good that you are attending orientation meetings at your local county public agency and also looking at private agencies in your area....if you apply to adopt through your local county agency you only have access to children who are available in that county..a private agency would be able to give you access to children throughout the state...also agency fees public or private are pretty close to each other for a foster /adoption would more than likely pay for fingerprinting as well as physical exams etc..... but there is a one time reimbursement as well as tax credits that you might be eligible for that would help you finacially..that's a good question to ask at the orientation meetings you are attending..Good luck on your journey ..I'm sure you will be sucessful.. you are off to a good start!!
If you go through the county, you will likely be limited to only children available within your own county. With a private agency, you will be able to be selected for children throughout California. Be aware, however, that some counties will choose to place with their own county families before placing with a private agency. In these counties, the private agencies tend to get the "leftover", harder-to-place children (i.e. older, special needs, sibling groups, etc.). I'm not sure if that is the case with San Bernardino, but it is something to be aware of.
Your first step might be to call your county and a few private agencies and ask questions, get a feel for who you feel more comfortable with, and then attend a few orientations before making a final decision.
Whether through the county or a private agency, the costs to adopt through foster care should be very minimal. I adopted 2 kids through a private agency and my total for both adoptions was under $400, all of which was later reimbursed by the county. I paid only for fingerprinting, CPR/First Aid classes, my insurance co-pay for my medical exam, and some training material fees for the required classes.
The pros of a private agency are that they generally offer more support as you go through the process and you may be able to get your classes and homestudy finished sooner with a private agency due to less staffing shortages. Also, at least in my county, the private agencies all pay a higher foster care stipend than the county during the time that the child is a foster child (once the child is adopted, the Adoption Assistance stipend is the same whether through an agency or the county).
The pros of going through the county may be that you are given priority in placements over agency families. That is true in some counties, but not all. In my county, I've heard it is actually the reverse. The county is so understaffed that they bypass their own families and pass almost all children directly through to the agencies to reduce workload. I don't know if this is true, but it is what I've heard.
Good luck with whatever you decide! It is a long and oftentimes stressful journey, but it is sooooo worth it in the end!