I was born John Douglas Boyd on the 28th September 1957 in Toronto Canada. I weighed 6lb 7oz. I was adopted and taken to the UK by Margaret and Edward Needham.
Unfortunatly i have not got much information on my birth family as both my adopted parents have sadly passed away and was in a postion not to talk about my birth family:mad:
I know my real mother was young at the time and had to look after her siblings and was unable to care for me at the time. If you know anyone with the surname and known she had a son who was adopted then please get in touch it woulf mean the world to me. Thanks in advance
Ontario opened adoptee records have you applied for your original birth certificate or anything else?
Kind regards,
[url=]Access to Adoption Records Act -[/url]
You should find what you are looking for at the above link.
You should be able to get your non-identifying information - info that was taken down by the social worker about your mother and/or father - stuff like that and ask if there is any letter or contact requests.
You should also find the way to apply for your original birth certificate at the link above. It may or may not have your fathers name on it which is why it is good to the what they call non-id (above paragraph).
You can also search the registy on this site - see tab runite above. Try a search with your full birth date / place / gender and if that does not get anything take away the actual day and gender - our dates were sometimes changed and mothers were not always told the sex of the baby. Register your search on that registry as well.
You can also post your search with that is free and safe and most people find out about it.
Let me know if you need any other info.
Kind regards,