I was born on August 14, 1962 at St. Joseph Hospital in Augusta, Georgia. According to my baby book I was born around 6:30am. My adoption was arranged by Dr. Goldberg (burg) but I was delivered by a Dr. Greene.
My adopting parents were the Owens' and my father was a Military Officer in the Army. I do not know if my mother worked at that time.
I have very little information on my birth mother and none at all on my birth father. It is personal information and I will only discuss it with serious inquiries.
At the time of my birth there was a Black Market Baby selling scheme going on. I do not know if the doctors arranging my adoption were involved. There were several doctors and one lady with child services involved. Around the time it was exposed, the building housing all the records burned down and all information was destroyed.
If anyone has any information that might help me, please contact me at my email address that can be found on my profile or leave a message on this thread. I greatly appreciate any assistance. I am looking for medical reasons mainly.
Thank you so much
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My 1/2 sister was sold by my dad on the blackmarket because she was a girl, she was born in late summer in 1961-62,this maybe nothing, but if you have blond or light brown hair,white with ice blue eyes, I am a search angel so I do not post my pic on the internet, go to FB,underKitty Allard-Hartzo and punch up my pic thereis a pic of my sister, see if you look like her, if so e-mail me at, Its just a shot in the dark.
My 1/2 sister was sold by my dad on the blackmarket because she was a girl, she was born in late summer in 1961-62,this maybe nothing, but if you have blond or light brown hair,white with ice blue eyes, I am a search angel so I do not post my pic on the internet, go to FB,underKitty Allard-Hartzo and punch up my pic thereis a pic of my sister, see if you look like her, if so e-mail me at, Its just a shot in the dark.
You were born in TX and a baby blanket was suppose to be with you