Question for you PA folks... I know you can only have 6 kids in your home to foster (bio, adoptive and foster included), but can you take adoptive placements if you already have six kids? Once our adoptions are final we will have six kids but we would really like to add one or two more to our family. We had a waiver (siblings came back into care while we were full) and had eight kids for 15 months and we loved it!
I'm going through an agency. It is 6 kids max, no matter if they are all bio or all adopted or a mix. They are foster for 6 months before, so it is still 6 kids max. But my agency in their book said that the max unrelated children to a foster child is 3. So that would mean I can have 3 bios, but then only allowed 1 foster for some reason or a sibling set of up to 3 with 3 bios.