:dance: Good evening to all the foster and adopt parents.
I was going over a few of my techniques I use at home when my child is out of control and I was wondering what do you guys do to give me some ideas? I mainly use a timeout or take favorite things away. Lets chat about it.
My FD is only 1.5 but she already doesn't like the word "no" and has a temper tantrum every time we tell her no or take something away from her. I don't know if your fc is a similar age, but when the temper tantrum starts I usually distract her with something else like a toy or point at something and say look and she forgets about it.
She has also been hitting and sometimes pinching when we tell her no. I raise my voice to let her know its wrong and then I tell her to "do nice" and I touch her cheek. It doesn't always work, but I have found that lately as soon as I tell her "no hitting - do nice" she touches my cheek (or whoever she has been hitting) and says "nice". So I think she is getting it.
In both cases, just trying to remove something negative with something positive. I hope that helps. :prop:
Hello and thanks for posting. I will plan on using a good behavior chart if he earns between 15 to 20 points he can receive an extra something. I am so glad I joined this group to learn new things. Thanks for posting.