So, I've read that some experienced foster parents can sort of have a feeling about how a case will go from the beginning. How true is this?
And, what are some red flags a case is likely to tpr?
We've fostered for the past 5 years and I've come to realize that you never really know how a case will turn out, most of the time.
Our last long term case we had for almost 2 years. We were in the process of TPR and it looked imminent. Then our cw quit and we ended up with a twisted, evil cw. Within 2 weeks of her taking over, the case was changed to RU and the kids went home 6 months later. They went home to abuse but this cw kept ignoring evidence and allowed the abuse to go on. I threw a huge fit and kept rattling the cages of people further up the food chain. It did start an investigation and this cw was fired a few months later, for falsifying several reports on this case as well as other kids' cases. But it was too late for my little guy who lives with abuse and neglect every day now.
Another case we had, DCS filed TPR and the mom fought it and won. The kids went home.
On one case, I thought for sure the case would end in TPR. The mom is half the age of her dh and he was a meth user. She was pg, I thought she'd lose her newborn too. But she was allowed to keep that baby, and the couple worked extremely hard. They got jobs, a house, counseling, everything... and got their child RU'd in 6 months.
Another little boy was within 2 weeks of being RU'd. The DAY before overnights were set to begin, his legal guardian granny failed a drug screen and RU fell through. She had done EVERYTHING right over the past several months. No one expected this. She had said a few days before that she was done with that lifestyle and couldn't wait to get her grandson back. It was a huge setback and big disappointment for everyone, especially this little boy.
What I've learned is that we can't judge the situation at the beginning of the case. Every case is unique and no one can know how things will turn out. You literally can be days from RU and it falls through. Nothing is a done deal until the ink is dry on the paper.