have been doing foster care for several years now and wondered how others have difficulty of care assessed for their foster children. For me at least it has been done by the caseworker with little to no input by me. In my current placement the caseworker was assigned after the kids were placed an has only actually visited/observed them for a total of maybe two hours over their stay this the way it is supposed to work...what is your experience with this process?
Most of the time, kids come into the system at the basic care level unless they have been in before. We are required to do monthly documentation and that is sent to the CW to use for leveling. If you believe that a child needs to be moved up a level, then document the behaviors daily to show what is happening. When it is written down on paper it makes a more compelling argument than just telling them.
Thank you for the info. It is not so much the level that these kids are rated at, just the lack of communication, wondered if this was normal?
Depends on the cw. I've had some that didn't listen to a word I said. Others have been much more caring and took note of what I told them.
I also found that informing all the team members by email and even Cc'ing the cw's supervisor gets better results. The kid's therapist usually listens and helps, as well as the kid's CASA or GAL.
You're really screwed if all the team members are indifferent, as most of ours were on one case. But all you can do is document, make sure they all know and keep the info under their noses. Oh... and throw all the necessary fits to get/keep their attention. :o
Then if anything should happen, at least your rear is covered and someone else has to answer for the issue. As happened in one case we had last year. That cw is history now. :banana:
Thank you for the info. It is not so much the level that these kids are rated at, just the lack of communication, wondered if this was normal?