I was wondering if caseworkers give preference to SAHMs when placing a child in a pre-adoptive home. A SAHM I am not for various reasons. However, I have a job that is hugely flexible both in hours worked and time off. When inquiring about a sibling group of 2 recently I asked the caseworker if the older of the 2 was entering kindergarten this fall. The caseworker asked if I was a SAHM. I was taken aback. My reasoning for asking was to plan out if we can financially afford 2 in daycare. Currently I work around the school day schedule but I do need to work about 6 hours a day. I am planning to take 3 months leave upon placement. I guess I am overanalyzing if there is a bias against working parents. If there is more than one family being presented to the caseworker for children do they always go with the family with a stay at home parent? Or is it based on the child's need (i.e. anxiety and separation issues)?
I am a single person in pa. I went with a private agency and did fostering. I was told upfront that i wouldn't be eligible for their infant adoption program. If I chose to foster it would be for older or harder to place children. SAHMs or I guess dads do get a preference. I think its more of the availability of the parent (visits, appts, etc) because if I'm not available then the case worker needs to arrange and provide transport. So its easier and i do think that there is still a bias in favor of the two parent, SAHM. That said I did receive a 7 month old and a 3 yr old - but they were biracial and apparently they phoned alot (17) couples before they got to me. Lucky us it worked out great.
I am looking to adopt a sibling group. Whenever I inquire on younger siblings, 10 and under mostly, the first question I ask is "are you looking for a stay at home parent?" So far the answer has always been yes. I have heard of others that were matched with working families though, so I still have hope. I should add that we are straight adopt not foster adopt. Not sure if that makes any difference.