I want to adopt older kids but it is not easy. I am single which is making it harder. I was working to much to do foster care so saved money quick my job said I was going to take the summer off. Everyone thought it was a great idea I could be home with kids. Than I did it and than it was sorry you can't do foster care unless you are working.
I said to a worker just yesterday I wanted to adopt my home studay says I want kids 10 to 18 boys or girls. She said Oh you want younger kids than :grr: I wanted to scream NO NO NO.....
That's a tough age,this age group often don't want get adopted.The still want there families back,or they don't want to be taken from there foster homes.I know when I was in fostercare,I didn't want to be adopted,a good worker should listen.I also know that teens have problems,they tend to run away,when they don't get there way,they could already have there minds set,that they dont want to be adopted.Adopting a teen,that wants to be adopted u might have a very long wait.I know as young as 10,when the worker would ask,if I wanted to be adopted.I would say no,act out,until they got the point.Also kids and teen have attacment issues,that u may not be ready for.Many may have some form of RADs,u may not be able to deal with.
Our first agency was like this, it drove me NUTS! I was sick of trying to convince the adoption professionals that adoption was a worthy thing!
If this is what you wanna do, and feel called to do, then go for it - and find the people that will help you make that happen. :D
All of the agencies in our area, require a steady income, but also let you say what your current situation is vs what your plan is WHEN you get kiddos.
I have heard that there's a lot of teens that, like the PP mentioned, do wanna go to their first families and don't wanna be adopted. But our current CW tells us that the majority of the kids she deals with have already come to terms about their loss and are genuinely excited about being adopted. I guess, part of it too, I remember a friend telling me about how she was adopted when she was 17yrs old - less than 6mo from turning 18. When she asked her dad, why they'd go through that expense and stuff, he explained she was worth it. That choice, and that conversation forever changed and shaped this lady's life. This story frequently reminds me, how there are some kids out there who want and need to be adopted as an older child. :)