I want one more child and am looking at all my options. Dh and I already have 3 Bio girls and international adoption would put us in a really bad spot as far as long term traveling so I've been looking at adopting from foster.
The big question is - and I know its hard to answer specifically - but in general how long will it take for a foster child to become legally available to adopt? I'm kind of worried that we'll have a child a couple of years and then lose them. There are really no concrete answers and I would be ok with that for just us - but I don't want to cause my own children pain in losing a child they grow to love.
Foster care is never a sure thing. How long it will take for the child to become legally adopted is decided on a case by case basis. The general rule they go by in PA is if the child has been in foster care 15 out of 22 months and the birth parents' issues have not been resolved and no other relatives have stepped forward to take the child, then they will change the child's goal to adoption. Where it gets complicated is when the kids go home to the birth parents and then end up back in care etc. Unless the parents' rights have already been terminated, you will need to be prepared for a long and uncertain journey. Just when you think it's over, you will be thrown a curve.