I am searching for a brother , born between 1949 and 1954. His birth Mothers name was Elizabeth Ann (Pickett) Who lived In or Near Sheridan Indiana at the time. The last name on the birth certificate may have been Pickett. (Bill Pickett) However he was not the father. The fathers name may have been Howard Douglas, Or Michael Douglas. It was one of those adoptions nobody talked about, and was kept very quiet. I don't have much information about the adoption, only stories which may or may not be true. The baby boy was adopted at birth, , possibly from a couple that lived near Sheridan Indiana, Bakers Corner Indiana, Arcadia, Cicero Indiana. I was told they moved away right after the adoption. The babys first name could have been "Gem" The babys father may have lived in, or around Farmland Indiana. One side of the family won't talk about it, the other side doesn't know anything about it. , or won't say. The baby was born in a hospital with Nuns... Or so I'm told.