Our family plan always included adoption. We hoped to have a biological child and an adopted child. After struggling with infertility for years it seems adoption is our sole path now. We have been "on the books" with the IAC for almost 18 months with no matches. We want 2 children and given that this is taking so long we're concerned that our dream of two children won't be possible if we wait any longer.
Our plan is to pursue another path to adoption while we still wait for our first attempt to come through. There are so many agencies and lawyers in CA claiming to be the way to go that it's difficult to even narrow it down to make a decision. I am looking for recommendations for agencies, lawyers or even foster adopt agencies. Please PM me with any advice or experiences that you think might help.
Thank you so much!!
Our family plan always included adoption. We hoped to have a biological child and an adopted child. After struggling with infertility for years it seems adoption is our sole path now. We have been "on the books" with the IAC for almost 18 months with no matches. We want 2 children and given that this is taking so long we're concerned that our dream of two children won't be possible if we wait any longer.
Our plan is to pursue another path to adoption while we still wait for our first attempt to come through. There are so many agencies and lawyers in CA claiming to be the way to go that it's difficult to even narrow it down to make a decision. I am looking for recommendations for agencies, lawyers or even foster adopt agencies. Please PM me with any advice or experiences that you think might help.
Thank you so much!!
HI, I live it San Diego and researched all kinds of agencies, facilitators and lawyers. It's burdensome but I've narrowed it down to 2 lawyers in LA. In my opinion, the agencies/facilitators have way too many clients and not enough birthparents! Odds are bad in my book. I will PM you as well.