[FONT="Century Gothic"]Hello Everyone.
I just recently became reuinited with my Mother, after 37 years apart. While, the experience, and it's rarity of occurence have given me a new found faith in synchronicity, I am realizing alot about the path that I was given. There is so much pain to these realizations. It is quite difficult to realize that as an apparent "Charity case" - you have been deluded and misunderstood by everyone you have ever known.
Upon finding people of like mind, after so long; You face the knowledge that these relationships have been a maintained construction of pretend emotions.... A strange and ongoing feeling of "waking up": realizing that you were just "surviving" in a sort of dreamlike hell....and dazed...Lost in how "found" I truly am.
I usually check this fourm every 4-8 months and I just wanted to say that reunion can be challenging at times, most people refer to reunion as the roller coaster ride, many emotional levels, often many pieces of ourselves have been sleeping for years, while functioning normally throughout life. I feel that it takes about two years of patience, gaining education and understanding in support groups. One thing I believe is that some people can feel as if they are experiencing emotions that have been buried, which may cause some difficultly in understanding each other. I best go now.
Take care, I wish you the best
synchronicity hit me hard too, how can it not in this type of situation!
It takes time to process a different reality, enjoy the daze while it's a daze, use it to your benefit, it will likely pass when you don't need it anymore.