I have a question for other foster parents....... How do you handle teens that want cell phones....
Background... I have a home phone which it just for use of foster child which he never uses and we live aross the street from the high school. He wants to get a cell phone but his parents wont pay for it because there cell company they use is not in our area but don't think they are paying for there other kids either. think that is just an cop out.
He wants a cell phone to text I am guessing and says he will dew things around the house for it. But doesn't even do dishes which is his one job besides his own laundry.
I'd treat it the way many parents used to treat the car privilege: you earn the price of the car and/or insurance.Make a chart: $x for this chore, $y for that chore. He can do as many or as few as needed -- but in no day where he hasn't done the BASIC chores (you mentioned dishes, I believe, which still are not paid for), will he be able to earn money for extra chores. The money isn't given to him, it's recorded, because if you give it to him, he'll probably blow it.This will need to happen until he has earned enough to purchase the phone and at least 2-3 months of plan. Future months of plan would be paid in advance, or the phone will be turned off. This might work best with a pre-paid phone, so you could pay for, say $30-50 worth of plan in the first month, then again in the second month, 3rd month... and IF he had earned enough, then pay for the 4th month.Under no circumstances would I purchase the cell myself....
[QUOTE=alys1]. The money isn't given to him, it's recorded, because if you give it to him, he'll probably blow it.
that brings up another thing I am trying to figure out How do I teach this kid to be good with money if I never give him any.
we live in a rural area and he is still only 15 so no jobs really. I gave him some cash to go to a movie with friends but he end up going with me. So he still had his cash well so I told him to make the money last for 2 weekends, Spent it all on food, lots of food at house so not needed, so when he wanted to do something I said sorry you are out of money. Lesson learned hoping......
I told him once he started doing his one dishes than we would talk about what he could do to make extra money.....
Ditto the chart - and when he earns enough, buy him a pay as you go phone. Then, let him do the chore chart for a real money allowance. He can decide if he wants to use some/all of the money for minutes on his cell phone OR to buy other things like snacks, movies, etc.
IMHO, at 15, he should be doing A LOT around the house if you're going to buy him a cell phone. And I wouldn't pay him any allowance for taking care of his own stuff (like doing his own laundry, cleaning his own room, etc -- those are things he needs to do just because he lives in a home with others and he needs clean clothing to wear). Allowance should be for jobs that help the family like raking leaves, splitting wood, doing dishes, setting the table, cooking dinner, etc. Obviously, you will have to start small if he's not used to doing anything, but definitely make him earn it.
We haven't done teens in a long while, but that is how we worked it.
I have a question for other foster parents....... How do you handle teens that want cell phones....
In high school age there are no more excuses for your teenager not to own a cell phone. They can save money to pay for it and buy minutes to make calls. A cell phone can give you peace of mind and foster your child's independence. Unless you are punishing your child for something there is no way you are going to keep a teenager away from cell phones.
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