Let's have some fun with a Christmas/santa visit photo and list what your kids are getting for Christmas. Also, any fun holiday traditions?
I'll add mine shortly, for my 7 year old girly. I always get good ideas from other parents for neat gifts or holiday traditions.
This year has been more challenging for me to find things for my 7 year old. She's outgrown most toys, but isn't old enough yet for the "big girl" toys. We do not do video game players or much TV, so she has a lot of time to use her imagination, read, and be creative.
I try to stick with giving her only 3 gifts (number represented in the birth of Jesus). However, her stocking is huge (almost as big as her) and packed full of stuffing!:o I also give her a gift on New Years Eve, to celebrate Russian gift giving season and Father Frost. We also choose a charity, or family/child, to contribute needed things to. DD enjoys choosing from one of the Samaritan's Purse or World Vision catalogs, an animal or item that is needed by families in the countries where those programs give help. I like to keep her aware of the very basic needs of many people around the world.
On Christmas Eve I make all of our favorite dishes and we have a relaxing supper, and read tons of christmas stories. Christmas day, we go to grandma's house in the afternoon to spend time with my huge family, and lots of little cousins. We play games (minute to win it style) and then exchange gifts via the dirty santa game.
Here's what DD will be receiving this year:
Trampoline :cheer:
My Twinn doll with a few sets of clothes
A formal gown for "playing princess". Thank you ebay!!!
In the stocking she will find:
jewelry from charming charlies and children's place
dolphin tale movie (as of 12/20 that is)
lip gloss "that tastes like mom's"
Oh, and I'll be hanging new curtains in her room christmas eve, after I get the trampoline put together. Yikes!
Lexi is getting a stocking from Santa (Lush bath fizz, nuts, nutcracker, pomegranate, dvd, chocolate) and the game Operation "with a Zhuzhing nose". From Mommy she's getting checkers, Chinese checkers, a play tent and a music box with a ballerina that spins around.She, her baby doll and I will have matching jammies on Christmas eve...if I get off the computer and make them!Our traditions are still evolving with this being our first Christmas in the US. We went on a moonlit hike. We are making cookies and fudge. We've read lots of Christmas stories. We will attend a candlelight service on the 24th. Otherwise, it's new jammies on Christmas eve, followed by her re-telling the Christmas story on video and then leaving snacks for Santa. Our Christmas day is slow and filled with play. And maybe pecan rolls if I can find a recipe!
A trampoline is a great idea. DD got that last Christmas when she was 6. She positively LIVED non the thing for 6 months.
I go way overboard over the holidays. I can't even tell you half of whats under the tree (i know this is bad.. i grew up poor and tend to totally reparent myself when it comes to santa)
Big things:
drum set
karaoke machine
figit friend
moxie and bratz dolls
kids video recorder
voice imprint locked diary
smaller things
"how to draw" books
story cubes latest (action cubes)
Our traditions are pretty set now. Weekend after thanksgiving, we go up to see santa and the reindeer at santa's village. We deliver her wishlist. On Christmas eve morning, we open 1 present. Christmas eve night, we travel the 2 hours to be with her brother and cousins. We get home late. Christmas morning, we open presents. Then we typically end up playing with stuff all day.
my family does meat pie for breakfast. J doesn't like this, so she eats something else
Gosh, Tigger, I never thought it was possible for her to get any prettier, but she just keeps gets more beautiful with each pic you post!Delaney is getting a DS with games, A Baby Alive Doll that speaks Spanish, some arts and crafts stuff, an indoor basketball hoop (over the door type), two new WII games, a matroyshka doll blanket, a new leotard for gymnastics, some books, a couple of board-type games, and my mom has gotten her a magic 8 ball, and a Barbie case with make-up and nail polish.Her class sings at the tree lighting each year and we have also been going to see "A Christmas Carol" for three years now. She told me the other day Charles Dicken was her favorite author....what? (we have read Oliver Twist, also.) Sunday, weare going to see the Nutcracker with my friend who has a little girl from Kaz. We did that last year, so we started a little tradition with them.I have always taken a picture of her on top of the car with the tree when we bring it home, before we take it in. We also do St. Nicholas Day on the Dec. 6th. She puts her boots out and gets chocolate coins and stocking stuffer type stuff in it. She also has her own "famous" pink Russian Tree. She has all the Russian ornaments I bought in Russia on it. We get some every year at the Russian Festival, too.Here is a pic of her tree and this year's top of the car with the tree photo, and the very first one......and a link to her singing on top of the car![URL=""]Feliz Navivdad los Todos! - YouTube[/URL]
Fun pictures, and ideas! Yes, we have a marble run, which now that you mention it, I need to dig it out for her to play with on these cold days.
Never heard of Story cubes, but now I'm going to go find some tomorrow! They sound awesome, and language arts is dd's love. I think she'll absolutely love the story cubes. They oughta fit nicely into that stocking ;) .
Thanks for the ideas!
WE got our daughter an American Girl doll. She arrived early so I keep her in my closet. We got her an Angry Birds game. It's not electronic, it's an actual game I got from a local toystore. My husband got her a new DS because we thought she lost her DS,b ut of course after her ordered it she found hers-so we may return it. I'm thinking of getting her Ugg boots-she asked for it.
That's probably enough for a kid of her age(6).
Amy K, nJ
If you’re looking for ways to start bonding with children or learning more about parenting, storytelling is a wonderful activity to connect with young minds. Check out this heartwarming Christmas story, "Where is Santa's Cat?". It’s perfect for Show & Tell or sharing magical moments with kids during the holidays. Plus, it can give you ideas for creating festive traditions with your future little one!Wishing you the very best as you move forward with your adoption journey!