Has anyone ever done this or know if this is an option?
We're planning on taking the foster-to-adopt and adoption classes and getting the homestudy done. We want to adopt a foster care child from ANY us state, so we will be looking at Adoption photolisting and similar sites.
However, we are ALSO open to doing private adoption with a birthmother, which we would just do searching ourselves and go through an agency or attorney if/when we find a situation for us.
It's kind of like "widen the pool" or looking in two different pools and whichever one happens first-great.
My question is: Can we use the same training/homestudy for BOTH types of adoption? Also can we do this at the same time?
PS, we are in Ohio.
Any input would be appreciated.
Last update on November 17, 7:47 am by Sachin Gupta.
In my state, the state does the foster home study, and a private agency does the private infant. So the answer is no for us. (We're currently foster parents.)
No you cant, the Foster home study doesnt cover all that Adoption Home study requires. Plus, the state will not hand over all that paperwork.
If you could do it that way then i think everyone would. because that would help us bypass the $1,000-2,000$ Home study fees
No, we are intending to pay a private company to do our classes and homestudy regardless of which route we adopt though. We will not be using the free state classes/homestudy.
Can you clarify what the difference is?
Thanks so much.
My husband and I just finished our homestudy in Ohio, and I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that as long as you do the dual homestudy (for both foster and adoption) you're fine. According to our county, if we decide to use our homestudy to adopt privately we just have to pay the county to send our homestudy. THe usual rate is the same as it would be to do a homestudy through a private agency($1000-2000)- our county is a little cheaper though.
I realize this is an older post, but for anyone in the future needing the info...
my answer is maybe.
We switched from DSS (foster/adopt) to private infant. We had a copy of the original home study info from DSS and we were permitted to use that and do an "update" since the copy was in our possession.
Most of the time, you can't be active with DSS and private agency.
Any questions, please ask. We have yet to finish said home study, but that's another story.
Curious to know how your stidies turned out and if you got the correct answer from another thread.
For all the private adoption agencies in our area, if you would like to adopt an infant privately by arranging it with the pregnant mom, you have to start from scratch with the private adoption agency. This type of agency does not do foster placements at all.
Since they take the risk and hold the "liability" for the ultimate safety of the child , they almost always make you start from the very beginning and do all THEIR paperwork with them and PAY all of THEIR fees. They will not accept a "county" adoptive homestudy as valid.
If you have had an adoptive homestudy in the past with a county , then the private agency will probably have to obtain your records from the county to see your past functioning as a foster to adopt family. The info would be factored in, but it does not replace their homestudy work.