Anyone in PA do an open adoption since Act 101 was passed and want to share what the process looks like?
Governor Ed Rendell passed stupid Act 101 and it makes PA an open adoption state. It is a horrible bill for those who are trying to adopted abused children from the state. Since is rather new it really depends on the judges and county you live in on how they want to enforce it. I am in Blair County and basically this law is being interpreted as the adoptive family will be forced to continue visits with all birth family members no matter what the situation. This is horrible for kids that have been severely abused to continue to be forced to regularly visit their abusers.
We would have been able to adopt our two little ones this past February if it hadn't been for this stupid new law. I could go on and on.
Anyone in PA do an open adoption since Act 101 was passed and want to share what the process looks like?
Will share a little more. I would be very cautious about discussing any of what you want in your Adoption Contract with anyone except for your lawyer. When we were in the process of adopting our foster kids, the state CW had us get together with the birth family to discuss what we were willing to do and looking back I greatly regret this. We were very honest and said we were open to some visits, but absolutely no jail visits. That totally ticked the birth family off as they wanted visits whenever and wherever they happen to be and they went to great lengths to find anyone else to take the kids besides us. I would refuse to discuss your terms until TPR has occurred and you have a lawyer representing you for the adoption. Anything before that is too early and most likely will backfire. State CW in PA are trained to be very pro-birth family so if you are even perceived to be leaning towards terms they feel are not pro-birth family, they can yank the kids from you claiming it is in the children's best interest to stay in full contact with the birth family and they have support for this under Act 101.
Also be careful to maintain a pleasant relationship with the birth family, but don't make any promises either way. Don't let anyone bully you into doing it their way. As the adoptive parent, you are the one that will be supporting the kids and will be in charge of raising them. You need to put your family and the kids first over the birth family.
Little Muffin's bm keeps bringing up act 101. From my understanding you can't agree to anything till after trp. My advice is to not agree to any contact with birthfamily because you will be held to it. My hubby and I will agree to nothing. Will I send letters and photos--yes but i'm not saying that to anyone. You need to do what is best for your child on your terms. I will agree to nothing in writing or verbal. I will decice what is in the best interest of my child daily. People change...sometimes for the worst and I cna't take that risk. Stand your ground and don't let anyone bully you.
So just to update. It seems every person I have talked to has had a different experience. In our case, we just completed the final draft of the Post Adoption Voluntary Contact Agreement (and yes it has clauses in there for if circumstances change). Now they have to take it into court and see if the judge agrees. If the judge approves it, we move toward TPR.