Hi to everyone, I need advice...
I am a married mother with three children and a wonderful husband who wants to adopt my first born.
The problem We have is that although she has changed her name we still want to adopt her.
My ex partner only see's her twice a year and pays maintenance to me.
If my new husband adopts her will my ex still have to pay maintenance to me or will it stop.
Well, I can only speak for my country but in this country if your husband adopts her your ex-husband will no longer be legally obliged to pay maintenance.
If your husband adopts your child it will require your ex to relinquish his parental rights and agree to the adoption. At that point he would no have legal rights or responsibilites for his child--that would mean he would not be required to provide any child support. I do not want to step out of bounds because you did not ask for this advice, but I would think long and hard before considering severing your daughter's legal relationship with her father and the paternal side of the family--unless of course there is abuse or other safety reasons.
He wouldn't owe a thing once the adoption goes through. For what it's worth, I agree with Portlowski. Adoption won't change who she was born to, but it will strip her of part of her original identity. If she's old enough to totally understand the long term consequences, then maybe. Otherwise you are taking something from her that can't be undone. Sounds like your husband loves her and consider her his own already. She's a lucky young lady.
If I can get my ex to sign a letter saying he will continue to pay maintenance as long as he is legally obliged, will this mean he has to continue paying?
I didn't respond because others (Port and TX) said what I would have said.
I'm sorry but really - you want to strip the child's father of all of his legal parental rights and the child's right to her paternal family - and yet still want his money to pay for a daughter who is no longer legally his? Once adoption happens his daughter is no longer his daughter in any legal manner - nor is she legally related to anyone including him in his bloodline.
IF he is willing to have all of his legal parental rights stripped from him forever and ever including the right to visit with his own daugher AND your husband wishes to become the child's adoptive father then THAT financial support falls on him (the new adoptive father).
I'm with Dickons - you want your ex to forego all legal and moral rights to his daughter but keep paying? I cannot imagine a court on earth that would support that document once your current husband had adopted her.
In so many ways you already have it fine - your husband loves her and her real father still supports her. Why the need to change anything?
If I can get my ex to sign a letter saying he will continue to pay maintenance as long as he is legally obliged, will this mean he has to continue paying?
I hope you ex has a good lawyer, because this is wrong. I'm stund.